Én loptam el......



 Na nem sokat csak 12 es fel miilionyit.

AZ OLG , az Ontario Lotto fohatosag a rendorseg segitsegevel keresi az igazi nyertest.

Tobb mint 300-an jelentkeztek eddig.

Jopár eve folyik a lopások sorozata az árusok altal.


$12.5M lottery ticket stolen; police

seeking rightful winner




A luxury home in Oakville worth $1.3 million and a $2 million mansion in Vaughan that backs onto a golf course. A Mercedes and two Lexuses in the driveway.

It was a $12.5 million ticket to ride — only police say the ticket belonged to someone else.

Ever since police revealed Wednesday that three family members stand accused of stealing the multi-million-dollar lottery ticket, the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corp. and the OPP have been fielding calls from people who believe they could be the rightful winner.

By nightfall, the OLG had received 20 phone calls from people who think they may have purchased the winning ticket in 2003.

The OPP said five communication centres have been inundated with “dozens and dozens and dozens” of calls. Phone lines regularly used to report car accidents were so jammed the OPP is asking people to call the OLG instead, said duty officer J.D. Michaud. A line dedicated to the case may be set up in the next couple of days, he added.

“I could be rich (and not know it). I've been buying tickets here for 10 years,” said a regular lotto buyer in Burlington's Variety Plus store.

OPP investigators say the store's manager in 2003 and his father actively stole lottery tickets from customers. In this particular case they didn't tell the customer he or she had the Lotto Super 7 jackpot for Dec. 26, 2003.

A legtobb tolvaj kinai mivel ok az üzletek tulajdonosasai gyakran ahol vesszuk a lottot.


Szerző: Az igazat ne csak a valodit  2010.10.12. 04:11 Szólj hozzá!

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