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Nincs egy nap hogy ne viditsuk magunkat reggeli kozben egy RCMP-s botrannyal.
Lengyel turista megolese taser-rel a Vancouveri repteren, szamtalan letartoztatott rejtalmes halala par ora utan, a legfobb vezeto hamis tanuzasa es hirtelen lemondasa csak egy csepp a Royal Canadian Mounted Police szenny sorozataban.
Who is keeping them accountable?
Surrey RCMP suspends Mountie
Tom Zytaruk, Surrey, B.C. (Surrey Now) – A Surrey RCMP constable has been suspended with pay pending a code of conduct investigation involving marijuana and firearms. Police have not released the name of the Mountie, who has four years of service with the Surrey RCMP, as no charges have been laid. The investigation began on Oct. 1.
“The nature of this investigation includes the circumstances of the possession of a small amount of marijuana and the possession of a number of firearms,” said Sgt. Rob Vermeulen, a spokesman for RCMP “E” Division.
Surrey RCMP’s Chief Supt. Fraser MacRae said the investigation “is being pursued aggressively.”
“As it is still in its early stages, the amount of information that we can release is limited,” MacRae said. “In addition to privacy considerations, there is a need to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation.”